Lets start with EASTER PAGEANT!!
Can i first just say that Easter Pageant was pretty much one of thee most incredible things ive ever done in my life!! It was my first year and I felt so extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to be able to be part of the cast. It's been a dream of mine forever to be in pageant and ive always imagined what it would be like. So imagine what i felt like first putting on my costume then first stepping foot on the stage. Probably meant more to me than most peopkle would think. What a beautiful and definately spiritual experience it was :) To be able to be on the temple grounds every night and be surrounded by some of my closest friends, as well as most amazing people, and sharing the same experiences. It was just too wonderful to explain in words. I had the time of my life! :) Definately going to do it for the rest of my life...haha (well at least the years i have time) As amazing as this experience was i know this is so little of writing but majority of it is hard to express in writing or words. Here are some pictures from pageant!:

I promise we wanted to be there as much as it doesnt look like it on our faces in the first picture haha

Katelyn Burnett!! (one of my favorite girls) Love her so much!! :)

Jenny McCauly

Kaitlin Grey! Sweetest Girl Ever!! :)

Kaitlin, Greg, Matt, Sean.....i think hahaha
THE SHOW and our fun photo shoot

(can i take a moment to brag and say that I'm am best friends with THEE kelly allen who played mary :)........k moment over haha)

haha this was one of the funniest times every. I was laughing to hard and tearing up. These pictures don't do justice showing how incredibly histerical this was haha. Please notice Rons (far left) head dress blowing in the wind, then Corwin's (second last to the right) pose, and Paul's (far right) beads across is forehead which by the way he needed help putting it on because at first he put the beads under his nose haha
Hope you enjoyed the (thousand) pictures!
second exciting thing..
I have been blessed with the wonderful opportunity of watching these two little boys! :)

Gage and Beau ( i stole this picture from your facebook brigette haha)
These boys are pretty much the sweetest and cutest little things in the world. They keep me laughing and smiling the whole time. I absolutely love watching them every day im there and Brigette herself is so awesome i love her :) So this is why i've been super busy and im very happy to be and to have this job!!
I went from dark dark brown, to dark brown, to RED (haha yea red which i actually kind of miss), to Blonde again! It took forever but im happy to be back to the normal. Its a little different than i wanted but who cares its just hair.
K i totally had jury duty this past Tuesday and let me tell ya....it was a very long day haha
It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be though. We watched hitch then legally blonde and i played sudoku out of my little sudoku book that i keep in my purse haha ( it became very handy at that time i swear i did like 20). I think about 5 other groups were called before mine were. I finally get called around like 3 is (just know...ive been there since 7:30 in the morning haha) and we go up and go in to the courtroom and the group is asked a bunch of questions of whether or not they are able to be impartial or if they have any work related excuses why they can't be there. Afer like a half hour we are dismissed for the judge to decide who is dismissed from the entire trial and i totally got lucky and was dismissed! :) then i went from there to work with my special needs client and i finally got home around 10:30. I'm sorry if i sound like im complaining haha i know everyone has long days but it was pretty boring not knowing anyone and sitting quiet for hours and hours when those who know me well...i LOVE to talk haha
So anyways....thats just a little update on my life! Life is wonderful! Despite all the bad stuff and the constant struggles of everyday life of course. We can't let that bad stuff get in the way of our happiness though because if we dwell on it we become captured in thoughts that lack all hope that there is. We all have problems... just let the little things go and you'll become stronger and are able to handle the harder things better. Life is beautiful i promise! I've seen it and experienced it! It's just all a matter of how you look at it! :)